Accelerate your business with PH Media, a Google Ads agency in Montreal

With PH Media, access the essentials of online and search engine marketing strategies and techniques. These approaches help you achieve your business objectives and ambitions for online visibility. Complementing SEO or organic search techniques, PH Media also supports you through paid advertising campaigns on search engines. As a certified Google Ads agency in Montreal, we initiate your online advertising campaign to strengthen your brand's visibility, drive traffic to your online portal, increase interactions with your company, reach new customers, and boost your sales. Publishing your ads among the top Google results helps you achieve these goals. Discover everything you need to know about this effective advertising technique with PH Media, your Google Ads agency in Montreal.

Digital Marketing with Google Ads: Gain Visibility and Grow Your Business

Search engines are powerful marketing tools on the internet: they allow businesses like yours to gain increased visibility and directly connect with potential customers looking for products or services. From Bing to Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, and Google, many search engines are active today, each with its user preferences. In Canada, Google, the search engine from Mountain View, is by far the most used. Over 9 out of 10 internet users use Google daily to browse the web and find products and services that meet their needs. Be visible to this large audience. Position yourself at the top of Google's search results. This approach is now essential for all Canadian businesses like yours, regardless of size. Whether you are an innovative startup, a small business, or a large multinational, access a range of varied and effective tools through digital marketing. Different strategies and digital marketing techniques allow you to increase the visibility of your online portal. Google Ads is one such tool.

What to Know About the Google Ads Advertising Network

Since 2008, Google Ads has been the new name for Google AdWords, the online advertising network created by the search engine giant in 2000. Google provides this powerful tool to professionals and businesses wishing to leverage it to increase visibility and accelerate business. Google Ads has become one of the world's most influential and popular digital marketing tools. With your Google Ads agency in Montreal, you can optimize your strategy to benefit from the outcomes of ad publications through this online advertising network.

Broad Distribution of Your Ads

With this Google service, you can distribute your ads on search engine results pages presented to internet users, but not only that. Depending on the type of campaign desired, Google Ads allows you to be visible on other internet portals, such as the YouTube video platform or thousands of partner websites.

A Multitude of Choices for Your Online Ads

With this solution, your text ads appear in Google search results when a user searches for your products or services. This campaign is recommended when you want to generate sales, leads, or a larger audience for your website. The precision of targeting is one of the advantages of ads published on the search network.

Display Campaigns

They broadcast your ads on Google's Display Network, a set of websites and apps deployed worldwide, including Gmail and YouTube portals. The ads are also visually appealing, consisting of text and images. You can reach a relevant audience beyond Google search results and maximize your company's visibility.

Video Campaigns

These campaigns display video ads on YouTube and other websites. Your ads appear, for example, while viewing a YouTube video. This type of campaign can help you increase overall brand awareness, generate conversions, or encourage users to make purchases on your website.

Shopping Campaigns

Do you have an e-commerce site and want to sell your products? Shopping ads are tailored to your needs. Your ads appear on Google's search results pages, displaying many details about your products, such as their photo, price, and name.

App Campaigns

These campaigns help you find new users for your company's mobile app and increase sales. They use your app's information to automatically optimize ads on the search network, Google Play, YouTube, and over three million partner websites and apps.

Performance Max Campaigns

Performance Max campaigns on Google Ads are designed to maximize advertising performance by fully leveraging the platform's automation and optimization capabilities. Here are their main features:

  1. Performance Maximization Goal:
  2. Performance Max campaigns focus on maximizing advertising performance, whether conversions, clicks, or other key metrics defined by the advertiser.

  3. Advanced Automation:
  4. They use advanced automation techniques based on artificial intelligence (AI) to adjust bids, targeting automatically, and other parameters to optimize campaign performance in real time.

  5. Use of All Google Inventories:
  6. These campaigns have access to all Google Ads advertising inventories, including the search network, display network, YouTube, and Discovery ads, allowing for wide distribution and increased visibility.

  7. Automated Bidding:
  8. Google Ads uses automated bidding to adjust bids based on user context and performance signals, maximizing advertising spend efficiency.

RLSA Campaigns (Remarketing Lists for Search Ads)

RLSA campaigns on Google Ads allow you to target users who have previously interacted with your website. You can adjust bids and targeting in search campaigns to increase conversions and optimize marketing performance.

Lead Generation Campaigns

The new types of lead generation campaigns on Google Ads introduce advanced features for efficiently capturing and converting prospects. Here are some key features:

  1. Contact Forms Directly in Ads:
  2. Ads integrate contact forms, allowing users to submit their information without leaving the search results or browsing page. This improves user experience and increases conversion rates.

  3. CRM Integration:
  4. Direct integration of collected data with your CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system facilitates follow-up and management of generated leads for subsequent marketing actions.

  5. Advanced Personalization and Targeting:
  6. Advanced targeting based on past purchase behaviours, website interactions, and other signals to reach more relevant and qualified audiences.

  7. Bidding and Conversion Optimization:
  8. Automated bidding and campaign optimization to maximize conversions from generated leads using goals like target cost per lead (CPL) or return on ad spend (ROAS) to optimize performance.

  9. Detailed Performance Reports:
  10. Access to detailed reports measuring the effectiveness of lead generation campaigns, including the number of leads generated, cost per lead, and other relevant metrics to evaluate return on investment.

In summary, these new features improve the ease and efficiency of lead generation on Google Ads by integrating advanced automation, personalization, and tracking tools to optimize your company's marketing results.

Five Reasons to Choose Google Ads for Your Business Online Advertising

Google advertising campaigns are of significant interest to businesses looking to increase visibility, generate leads, and boost online sales. Advertisers benefit from several advantages with the use of Google's advertising network:

Quick Return on Investment

Publishing an ad on Google Ads guarantees quick and measurable results. While an organic search strategy can take time to bear fruit, Google Ads ads are instantly displayed to a targeted audience. The impact of a campaign can thus be visible shortly after its launch.

Total Budget and Expense Control

Several options can be considered when managing your advertising budget with Google Ads. Define the amount you want to spend on your campaigns and your budget is spent according to the chosen strategy, per day or month, for example. The amount you allocate to your ads can also be structured and refined according to the priority of your various campaigns. The tool allows you to track your budget's progress in real time, and you are also informed when it is nearly exhausted.

Precise Targeting

Google Ads offers numerous targeting options. You can display your ads to users most likely interested in your services or products. You can also target your audience based on geographic location, age, interests, device type, time of day, user-searched keywords, etc.

Varied Ad Formats to Meet Different Marketing Goals

Do you aim to drive conversions on your website by encouraging visitors to purchase or sign up for your newsletter, or do you want to maintain customer engagement with your services or products? Whatever the purpose of your digital marketing strategy, Google Ads provides various campaign formats to help you implement an effective plan. Publishing your ads on the search network will undoubtedly attract visitors interested in your company's activities. Similarly, broadcasting compelling messages through Gmail can enhance customer loyalty.

Robust Analysis and Tracking Tools

Google Ads also allows you to monitor your ads' performance in real time and adjust your strategies if necessary.

Google Ads or Organic SEO: Which Solution is More Effective?

SEO or Search Engine Optimization strategies and Google Ads advertising campaigns are two powerful solutions for increased visibility and traffic to your website. Both approaches have their advantages but work differently:

SEO focuses on optimizing the website to rank higher in search results. Techniques applied for organic search include creating high-quality content and setting up backlinks. Once your website ranks well in search results, you continue to generate traffic even if you need more money for advertising. However, the results of an SEO campaign can take several months or even years to become visible.

On the other hand, Google Ads allows you to create ads directly and display them on search engine results pages and other websites. The campaign results are fast, and it is possible to generate traffic as soon as you publish your ads.

At your Google Ads agency in Montreal, we believe that these two digital marketing solutions are complementary. SEO and Google Ads campaigns are two important levers with their strengths.

Combining an SEO strategy with a Google Ads campaign doubles the effectiveness of your digital marketing approach. For example, a well-optimized website for SEO benefits from a higher Quality Score in Google Ads, ensuring lower bid costs and good ad positioning on Google's search results. Successful Google Ads campaigns can also increase your brand awareness and generate quality backlinks to your website, further enhancing organic search performance.

Key Elements to Optimize Your Google Ads

Access to a large online audience, controlled budget, and quick return on investment: interested in launching a Google Ads campaign? Before publishing your ads with the search engine giant's advertising network, it's essential to plan an effective strategy for your company's Google ads.

Several key elements must be known, and levers must be activated to optimize your campaigns and achieve the desired effects. To succeed, be efficient and combine your strategy with tips such as appropriate determination and a good understanding of your target audience, rigorous selection of keywords and themes suitable for your target and customers for your ads, and performing corrective actions based on feedback.

Your Google Ads agency in Montreal PH Media advises you on several aspects to maximize the impact of your online ads:

Precisely Target Your Audience

Reaching the right people is very important for the success of your online advertising campaign. By targeting your audience, you can display your ads to those most likely to be interested in your activities, increasing your chances of conversion and maximizing your return on investment.

Before you start creating your ads, clearly define your target audience. Imagine personas or fictional profiles representing the people potentially interested in your products or services. Good targeting requires a clear idea of your audience's characteristics. You need to understand your customers' motivations and expectations.

This approach also involves knowing their demographic characteristics, interests, needs, and online behaviours. The better you know your target audience, the better you can target your ads. For Google Ads, you can distribute based on various criteria such as age, gender, geographic location, etc. You can also target your audience based on their interests.

Select the Right Keywords for Your Ads

Keywords are essential elements of any successful online advertising campaign. They allow your ads to be found by users searching for products or services related to your activity. By choosing the right keywords and using them effectively, you can increase your ads' visibility, generate targeted traffic to your website, and boost your conversions.

To identify the right keywords, consider the terms your potential customers would use to search for your products or services. Online keyword research tools like Google's Keyword Planner can also help you define your industry's most popular and relevant keywords. Choose a variety of broad and specific keywords to target different stages of the customer's purchase journey.

Once you have selected your keywords, use them effectively in your ads and on your website. Integrate keywords into your ads' titles and descriptions and your internet platform's content, especially in titles, headers, and meta tags.

Create Engaging Ads

Attracting users' attention and encouraging them to click on your ads is essential for the success of your online advertising campaign. Your ads must be clear, concise, and easy to understand. Avoid technical jargon and complex sentences. Get straight to the point and highlight your products' or services' most important benefits. You must also grab users' attention from the first words of your ad. In this context, use a catchy title and a captivating description that makes users want to learn more. Remember to highlight the offer you propose in your ad. Visuals can also play an essential role in the attractiveness of your ads. Use high-quality images and videos relevant to your product or service and attract attention.

Optimize User Experience on Your Company's Website Landing Page

Attracting traffic to your website is one thing, but converting new visitors into customers is another. Optimizing your landing page plays a vital role in converting your audience. Your landing page must be consistent with your ad's message. Users must immediately understand which page they have landed on and what they can do there.

Highlight what you offer your visitors. Tell them what they will gain by purchasing your product, signing up for your service, or downloading your content. Instead of simply listing your product or service features, emphasize the benefits users will derive from them. If you want users to fill out a form, ensure it is simple and easy to use. Ask only for the information you need and avoid unnecessary mandatory fields.

Your landing page must have a clean, professional design reflecting your brand. Use high-quality images and videos, and ensure easy navigation on all devices. Optimize your landing page for fast loading. Users are impatient, and if your page takes too long to load, they will likely leave.

Continuously Optimize Your Ads Based on Results

Monitoring and optimization are essential for the success of your online advertising campaign. By regularly reviewing your campaigns' performance, you can identify what works and doesn't and make adjustments to maximize their impact.

Take the time to analyze the data you collect through Google's analysis tools. Identify trends, strengths, and weaknesses of your campaigns. Determine which ads perform best and attract the most conversions. Based on the results, make adjustments to your campaigns. You can modify your ads, targets, or budget to improve your results. Optimization is an ongoing process.

Test different versions of your ads, targets, and offers to find what works best.

What Actions Should Be Planned by Your Google Ads Agency in Montreal?

Attract more clicks, generate more conversions, and maximize your return on investment: these are some of the expected outcomes of an effective Google Ads campaign. To achieve this, it's essential to implement the best strategy before launching your campaign and continuously optimizing your ads.

Your Google Ads agency in Montreal PH Media supports you in the success of your online advertising campaigns. Thanks to our expertise in digital marketing, we activate several levers to optimize your Google Ads. To ensure your campaigns reach the right targets, PH Media can act through:

Creation and Management of Your Google Ads Campaigns

Your Google Ads agency in Montreal creates effective campaigns using the right keywords and targeting your potential customers. We manage your campaigns daily, monitoring their performance, adjusting, and continuously optimizing ads. We also provide detailed reports on your campaigns' performance so you can track your progress and measure your return on investment.

Technical Expertise

Our agency also configures and manages your Google Ads account to ensure it is appropriately set up and optimized. PH Media can, for example, set up conversion and event tracking to measure your campaigns' effectiveness.

Increase Your Digital Presence with Our Proven Expertise

Hiring your Google Ads agency in Montreal for your online advertising campaign is a smart move. With PH Media, you have a professional at your service with an in-depth knowledge of the local market, culture, and consumer trends in Quebec and Canada. Your digital marketing agency in Montreal understands the nuances of your target audience. We can create more relevant and effective campaigns.

By choosing PH Media, you benefit from continuous support throughout your campaign. Your agency helps you resolve technical issues, optimize your ads, and ensure you get the most out of your advertising investment. You work with a company that shares your values and culture. This approach is particularly important when targeting a local audience or promoting local values in your campaigns.

Steps of a Campaign with Your Google Ads Agency PH Media

Audit: PH Media audits your company, products or services, target market, and marketing objectives. We also analyze your past online advertising performance, if applicable. Your certified Google Ads agency can also provide recommendations to optimize your website for better conversions.

Strategy Definition: Based on the audit and analysis, we define a personalized Google Ads strategy for your business. This strategy specifies the type of campaign to set up, objectives, targeting, budget, and advertising messages.

Campaign Creation and Launch: The agency creates your Google Ads campaign by setting up your account, selecting your keywords, and writing your ads. PH Media then launches your Google Ads campaign and closely monitors its performance. We make adjustments to the campaign based on results, optimizing keywords and ads.

Continuous Analysis: PH Media provides you with regular reports on your campaign's performance. These reports allow you to track your progress, measure your return on investment, and identify areas for improvement.

Continuous Optimization: Your Google Ads agency in Montreal continuously optimizes your campaign based on data and performance. We can also propose new ideas and strategies to improve results.

Throughout these steps, PH Media provides digital marketing advice to help you improve your overall marketing strategy.